
A Javascript library for creating and managing files and folders in Solid data stores

View the Project on GitHub jeff-zucker/solid-file-client



Class for working with files on Solid Pods


WriteOptions : object
ReadFolderOptions : object
SolidApiOptions : object
Links : object
Item : object
FolderData : object

(optionally authenticated) fetch method similar to window.fetch

zipOptions : object
  • .acl write parameters
unzipOptions : object
  • .acl write parameters
SolidFileClientOptions : object


Kind: global class

new SolidAPI(fetch, [options])

Provide API methods which use the passed fetch method constructor adds :

Param Type
fetch fetch
[options] SolidApiOptions

solidAPI.fetch(url, [options]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Fetch a resource with the passed fetch method

Kind: instance method of SolidAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - resolves if response.ok is true, else rejects the response

Param Type
url string
[options] RequestInit

solidAPI.get(url, [options]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Send get request

Kind: instance method of SolidAPI

Param Type
url string
[options] RequestInit

solidAPI.delete(url, [options]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Send delete request

Kind: instance method of SolidAPI

Param Type
url string
[options] RequestInit, [options]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Send post request

Kind: instance method of SolidAPI

Param Type
url string
[options] RequestInit

solidAPI.put(url, [options]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Send put request

Kind: instance method of SolidAPI

Param Type
url string
[options] RequestInit

solidAPI.patch(url, [options]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Send patch request

Kind: instance method of SolidAPI

Param Type
url string
[options] RequestInit

solidAPI.head(url, [options]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Send head request

Kind: instance method of SolidAPI

Param Type
url string
[options] RequestInit

solidAPI.options(url, [options]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Send options request

Kind: instance method of SolidAPI

Param Type
url string
[options] RequestInit

solidAPI.itemExists(url) ⇒ Promise.<boolean>

Check if item exists. Return false if status is 404. If status is 403 (or any other “bad” status) reject.

Kind: instance method of SolidAPI

Param Type
url string

Create an item at target url. Per default it will create the parent folder if it doesn’t exist.

Kind: instance method of SolidAPI

Param Type Description
url string  
content Blob | string  
contentType string  
link string header for Container/Resource, see LINK in apiUtils
[options] WriteOptions only uses createPath option

solidAPI.createFolder(url, [options]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Create a folder if it doesn’t exist. Per default it will resolve when the folder already existed

Kind: instance method of SolidAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - Response of HEAD request if it already existed, else of creation request

Param Type
url string
[options] WriteOptions

solidAPI.postFile(url, content, [options]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Create a new file.

Kind: instance method of SolidAPI

Param Type
url string
content Blob | String
[options] WriteOptions

solidAPI.createFile(url, content, [options]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Create a new file. Per default it will overwrite existing files

Kind: instance method of SolidAPI

Param Type
url string
content Blob | String
[options] WriteOptions

solidAPI.putFile(url, content, [options]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Create a file using PUT Per default it will overwrite existing files

Kind: instance method of SolidAPI

Param Type
url string
content Blob | String
[options] WriteOptions

solidAPI.patchFile(url, patchContent, patchContentType) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Update a file using PATCH

Kind: instance method of SolidAPI

Param Type Description
url string parsable by N3.js
patchContent String  
patchContentType string  


Name Type Description
‘text/n3’ patchContentType or ‘application/sparql-update’

solidAPI.readFolder(url, [options]) ⇒ Promise.<FolderData>

Fetch and parse a folder

Kind: instance method of SolidAPI

Param Type
url string
[options] ReadFolderOptions

solidAPI.getItemLinks(url, [options]) ⇒ Promise.<Links>

Get acl and meta links of an item

Kind: instance method of SolidAPI

Param Type Description
url string  
[options] object - specify if links should be checked for existence or not - may select acl or meta only

solidAPI.copyFile(from, to, [options]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Copy a file. Per default overwrite existing files and copy links too.

Kind: instance method of SolidAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - - Response from the new file created

Param Type Description
from string Url where the file currently is
to string Url where it should be copied to
[options] WriteOptions  

solidAPI.copyMetaFileForItem(oldTargetFile, newTargetFile, [options]) ⇒ Promise.<(Response\|undefined)>

Copy a meta file

Kind: instance method of SolidAPI
Returns: Promise.<(Response\|undefined)> - creation response

Param Type
oldTargetFile string
newTargetFile string
[options] WriteOptions

solidAPI.copyAclFileForItem(oldTargetFile, newTargetFile, [options]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Copy an ACL file

Kind: instance method of SolidAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - creation response

Param Type Description
oldTargetFile string Url of the file the acl file targets (e.g. file.ttl for file.ttl.acl)
newTargetFile string Url of the new file targeted (e.g. new-file.ttl for new-file.ttl.acl)
[options] WriteOptions  

solidAPI.copyLinksForItem(oldTargetFile, newTargetFile, [options]) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<Response>>

Copy links for an item. Use withAcl and withMeta options to specify which links to copy Does not throw if the links don’t exist.

Kind: instance method of SolidAPI
Returns: Promise.<Array.<Response>> - creation responses

Param Type Description
oldTargetFile string Url of the file the acl file targets (e.g. file.ttl for file.ttl.acl)
newTargetFile string Url of the new file targeted (e.g. new-file.ttl for new-file.ttl.acl)
[options] WriteOptions  

solidAPI.copyFolder(from, to, [options]) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<Response>>

Copy a folder and all contents. Per default existing folders will be deleted before copying and links will be copied.

Kind: instance method of SolidAPI
Returns: Promise.<Array.<Response>> - Resolves with an array of creation responses. The first one will be the folder specified by “to”. The others will be creation responses from the contents in arbitrary order.

Param Type
from string
to string
[options] WriteOptions

solidAPI.copy(from, to, [options]) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<Response>>

Copy a file (url ending with file name) or folder (url ending with “/”). Per default existing folders will be deleted before copying and links will be copied.

Kind: instance method of SolidAPI
Returns: Promise.<Array.<Response>> - Resolves with an array of creation responses. The first one will be the folder specified by “to”. If it is a folder, the others will be creation responses from the contents in arbitrary order.

Param Type
from string
to string
[options] WriteOptions

solidAPI.deleteFolderContents(url) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<Response>>

Delete all folders and files inside a folder

Kind: instance method of SolidAPI
Returns: Promise.<Array.<Response>> - Resolves with a response for each deletion request

Param Type
url string

solidAPI.deleteFolderRecursively(url) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<Response>>

Delete a folder, its contents and links recursively

Kind: instance method of SolidAPI
Returns: Promise.<Array.<Response>> - Resolves with an array of deletion responses. The first one will be the folder specified by “url”. The others will be the deletion responses from the contents in arbitrary order

Param Type
url string

solidAPI.move(from, to, [copyOptions]) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<Response>>

Move a file (url ending with file name) or folder (url ending with “/”). Shortcut for copying and deleting items

Kind: instance method of SolidAPI
Returns: Promise.<Array.<Response>> - Responses of the copying

Param Type
from string
to string
[copyOptions] WriteOptions

solidAPI.rename(url, newName, [moveOptions]) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<Response>>

Rename a file (url ending with file name) or folder (url ending with “/”). Shortcut for moving items within the same directory

Kind: instance method of SolidAPI
Returns: Promise.<Array.<Response>> - Response of the newly created items

Param Type
url string
newName string
[moveOptions] RequestOptions

SolidFileClient ⇐ SolidApi

Class for working with files on Solid Pods

Kind: global class
Extends: SolidApi

new SolidFileClient(auth, [options])

Param Type Description
auth SolidAuthClient An auth client, for instance solid-auth-client or solid-auth-cli
[options] SolidFileClientOptions  

solidFileClient.readFile(url, [request]) ⇒ Promise.<(string\|Blob\|Response)>

Fetch an item and return content as text,json,or blob as needed

Kind: instance method of SolidFileClient

Param Type
url string
[request] RequestInit

solidFileClient.readHead(url, options) ⇒ string

read Head as string

Kind: instance method of SolidFileClient
Returns: string - headStr

Param Type
url string
options object

solidFileClient.deleteFile(url) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

delete file

Kind: instance method of SolidFileClient
Returns: Promise.<Response> - response of the file deletion

Param Type
url string

solidFileClient.deleteFolder(url) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<Response>>

Delete a folder, its contents and links recursively

Kind: instance method of SolidFileClient
Returns: Promise.<Array.<Response>> - Resolves with an array of deletion responses. The first one will be the folder specified by “url”. The others will be the deletion responses from the contents in arbitrary order

Param Type
url string

solidFileClient.aclUrlParser(url) ⇒ object

ACL content url parser

Kind: instance method of SolidFileClient
Returns: object - an acl object from url.acl

Param Type
url string

solidFileClient.getFolderItemList(path) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<Item>>

Wrap API response for retrieving folder item list

Kind: instance method of SolidFileClient

Param Type
path String

solidFileClient.createZipArchive(resource, archiveUrl, options) ⇒ promise.<response>

Request API to upload the items as zip archive zip file contains a blob (or a string if async blob is not supported like in jest tests)

Kind: instance method of SolidFileClient
Returns: promise.<response> - res => { const success = await res.text() })>}

Param Type Description
resource string path (file or folder)
archiveUrl string .zip file url
options object  


Wrap API response for zipping multiple items

Kind: instance method of SolidFileClient


Add items with links to a zip object recursively

Kind: instance method of SolidFileClient

Add item links to a zip object

Kind: instance method of SolidFileClient

Param Type
zip object
itemLinks Array
itemName string

solidFileClient.extractZipArchive(zip, destination, options) ⇒

Wrap API response for extracting a zip archive unzip file is expecting a blob content (except if async blob is not supported like in jest tests)

Kind: instance method of SolidFileClient
Returns: {promise<{ err: [], info: []}>)

Param Type Description
zip string file
destination string folder
options object  


Name Type
…unzipOptions options

solidFileClient.uploadExtractedZipArchive(zip, destination, curFolder, responses, options) ⇒ promise

Recursively upload all files and folders with links from an extracted zip archive

Kind: instance method of SolidFileClient

Param Type Description
zip object  
destination string url
curFolder string  
responses Array  
options object  


Check that link content is valid and create link

Kind: instance method of SolidFileClient

WriteOptions : object

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Default Description
[createPath] boolean true create parent containers if they don’t exist
[withAcl] boolean true also copy acl files
[agent] AGENT "no_modify" specify how to handle existing .acl
[withMeta] boolean true also copy meta files
[merge] MERGE "replace" specify how to handle existing files/folders

ReadFolderOptions : object

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Default
[links] LINKS "exclude"

SolidApiOptions : object

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Default Description
[enableLogging] boolean | string false set to true to output all logging to the console or e.g. solid-file-client:fetch for partial logs

Kind: global typedef

Name Type
[acl] string
[meta] string

Item : object

Kind: global typedef

Name Type
url string
name string
parent string
itemType "Container" | "Resource"
[links] Links

FolderData : object

Kind: global typedef

Name Type
url string
name string
parent string
links Links
type "folder"
folders Array.<Item>
files Array.<Item>

fetch ⇒ Promise.<Response>

(optionally authenticated) fetch method similar to window.fetch

Kind: global typedef

Param Type
url string
[options] RequestInit

zipOptions : object

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Default Description
[createPath] boolean true create parent containers if they don’t exist
[links] LINKS "include"  
[withAcl] boolean true also copy acl files
[withMeta] boolean true also copy meta files

unzipOptions : object

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Default Description
[createPath] boolean true create parent containers if they don’t exist
[links] LINKS "include"  
[withAcl] boolean true also copy acl files
[withMeta] boolean true also copy meta files
[merge] MERGE "replace" specify how to handle existing files/folders - .acl content validation parameters
[aclMode] aclMode "Control" specify the minimal existing mode to validate ACL document
[aclAuth] aclAuth "must" should be “must” (actually NSS accepts “may” = absence of acl:Authorization)
[aclDefault] aclDefault "must" specify if acl:default is needed to validate ACL document

SolidFileClientOptions : object

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Default Description
[enableLogging] boolean | string false true for all logging or e.g. solid-file-client:fetch for partial logs